ACC Partnership Programme – Valuation of Liabilities

How well are the results from the actuarial valuation understood by employers, and how useful are the results to the employer in managing their health and safety risk?

In this publication we explore this issue, plus the idea that some smaller employers could reasonably the ACCPP option.

December 2012 – ACC – 2013/14 Levy Rates

For the 2013/14 year the Government decided to hold levy rates for the Work and Earners’ accounts at previous year’s levels despite ACC’s board recommending reductions of 13% and 12% respectively.

Proposed ACC Levy Rates for 2013/14

Proposed ACC levy rates for the 2013/14 year will see reductions for both the Work and Earners Accounts.   The average Motor Account rate remains unchanged.

ACC Experience Rating proposals

Our assessment is that the proposals look well designed and workable. The Accredited Employers will want to assess the costs before confirming they will renew their membership of the ACCPP for the 2011/12 year.