This Topix looks at the proposed changes to levy rates for the three levied ACC accounts. There are small increases proposed for the Earners’ and Motor accounts and a reduction for the Work account. However, not all is what it seems…
News Category: ACC
ACC Partnership Programme & WSMP
ACC has / is removing the Workplace Safety Management Practices discount. What does this mean for the relative merits of joining the Accredited Employer Programme (AEP)?
ACC consultation levy rates for 2017-19
In this Topix we outline the consultation rates proposed by ACC, the funding position of each ACC Account, costs for Accredited Employers and an assessment of the AEP for smaller employers.
ACC Accredited Employer Programme
The Residual Claims Levy (RCL) ceases with effect from 1 April 2016 and the impact is to transform the financial attraction of the Accredited Employers Programme (AEP).
This newsletter focuses on illustrating the financial options for employers. Now is the time for all large and medium sized employers to compare their ACC options for the 2017 cover year.
ACC residual claims levy
This newsletter highlights the need for legislative action to cease collection of the Residual Claims Levy.
Currently the accredited employers are being hit hard and are ending up subsidising standard employers.
All of this is acting as a disincentive to employers at a time when further incentives to improve health and safety in the NZ workplace are needed.
ACC Final 2015/16 rates
With an election this year, the ACC levy setting process has happened earlier than usual. Last week, the minister announced the final rates for the 2015/16 year, and we have outlined these in the attached newsletter.
Interestingly, the minister also indicated that a sufficient amount of residual levy has now been collected to cover the cost of pre-1999 injuries. As a result, a review into the residual levy is expected in the future, which will be of interest to Accredited Employers.
ACC’s proposed levies for 2015/16 highlight problems with the Work Account residual levy.
ACC Partnership Programme Options for 2014/15
This newsletter considers the impact of the reduction of the ACC standard levy on the Accredited Employers and the ACC Partnership Programme.
ACC – Finalised 2014/15 Levy Rates
We summarise the final levy rates as agreed by Government for the 2014/15 year. Full details on the rates are included in our September 2013 newsletter.
September 2013 – ACC – 2014/15 Levy Rates
We outline the consultation rates proposed by ACC, the funding position of each ACC Account, costs for Accredited Employers and an assessment of the ACCPP for smaller employers.