Contact us

Wellington Office

Postal address
Melville Jessup Weaver
PO Box 1096
Wellington 6140, New Zealand

Street address
Level 7, KiwiWealth House
20 Ballance Street
Wellington 6011, New Zealand

Telephone: +64 (4) 499 0277
Fax: +64 (4) 499 0488

Auckland Office

Postal address
Melville Jessup Weaver
PO Box 4014
Auckland 1140, New Zealand

Street address
Level 6, Delta Insurance Building
57 Fort Street
Auckland 1010, New Zealand

Telephone: +64 (9) 300 7155
Fax: +64 (9) 300 7199

If you wish to contact us or if you have any queries, please make direct contact with any of our people or use the following email link: or use the following form.